Dec 24, 2009

Cooking, and Baking, and Decorating!

I've finally finished with the food preparations that have to be done in advance! And yes, it really is after 4 AM. The last sheet of my homemade gingerbread cookies just went in the oven. I made pigs, men, women, stars, and hedgehogs this year. Oh, and one special heart shaped one for my horsie boy of course. This year we also made potato casserole, rutabaga casserole, and "sillsallad" (a blend of pickled beets, dill pickles, potatoes, carrots, onions, and herring) from scratch. Tomorrow we will then make the stew with moose meat, brussel sprouts, and fruit soup for dessert.

As far as decorations go, we still need to trim the tree. We chopped our own tree this year from a little patch of pines that have been growing down on the field by our guest cabin. It's been in the bathroom thawing out for a few hours and now we are going to put it up, light it, and hang decorations. We also have a nifty straw goat out on the front porch that we bought from a friend who makes them. These straw billy goats are an old Scandinavian tradition, but I've never seen one so big before! I promise to take some pictures of it and post them later.

Tomorrow will be a calm day, at least I hope. We probably won't get to bed before 6, so I hope to sleep in a bit before heading to the barn and such. Then depending on the weather we might go light candles on the graves in Helsinki or we might visit one of the local churches for the Christmas service. It's tradition, what can I say. In the evening my uncle Anders is supposed to come over for dinner, so it'll just be the three of us and the cats. A calm family Christmas in other words. Then it's a day of leftovers after that, and on Saturday we are having our Lutefisk party which I think will be fun.

Training log:
21.12: 7km run (40min)
22.12: -
23.12: -
24.12: 5km run + Ride
25.12: 5 km run (intervals) + Ride

Dec 21, 2009

More entertainment for the snowed-in

If you are, like me, in the process of slowly being snowed-in to your home and need something to do while you wait out the worst of the blizzard, here are some more funny blogs to check out. Stay safe and warm everyone, and have a lovely holiday season!

For those who just love to laugh at other peoples' eternal shame in the form of their totally failed tattoos.
Tattoo Failure

A wonderful blog with collections of various oddities from around the world.

And you thought your family was the only one with issues...
Awkward Family Photos

Not strictly a funny one, but a must-see for all peanut butter lovers out there.
Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Training Log:
17.12: 30 mins bike
18.12: Gym session (2km walking machine, 4km treadmill running, 50 sit-ups)
19.12: 15km long run (1h32m) + 1 h ride
20.12: Rest
21.12: 7km run + 1h ride

Dec 16, 2009

Laugh with me

As we say in Swedish, "ett gott skratt förlänger livet" or, a good laugh will extend your life. I wanted to break out of the journal format for a change and share some things that are just for fun. Here are some amusing websites that I go to when I want to laugh or need some entertainment. Perfect for those slow mornings or chilly days when you just don't feel like doing much besides sitting in front of the computer with a full mug of coffee/tea/beverage of your choice. And if you have more to add to the list please feel free to post links in the comments section!

The icanhascheezburger people, aka the inventors of the LOLcat phenomenon, are always good for a laugh. Besides cats they also do LOLdogs, Failblog, Engrish, and more!

Ever try googling something and before you're done typing in what you want google starts suggesting possible searches? Sometimes this advice is helpful, and sometimes it's just plain weird. Autocomplete me shows off the most twisted of these google search results.

The famous Cake Wrecks, where we get to see when so-called "professionally" decorated cakes go horribly wrong. Sometimes they also feature good cakes with a huge wow-factor.


If you haven't heard of the webseries The Guild yet you are missing out on something extremely funny. It's basically an online TV series about the crazy adventures of a group of online RPG addicts. Makes you laugh even if you aren't a die hard WoW player.

Watch The Guild

"Tonight, at Thanksgiving dinner, my uncle passed his four year old daughter some turkey. She refused it, and grabbed a bowl of fruit. He asked her, "aren't you a carnivore?" She responded, "no! I'm a fruity-whore!" MLIA."
My Life Is Average

MLIA, or My Life Is Average is a site where people can send in funny things that happen to them in every-day life. Some stories are funny, and some downright hilarious. There are also more sites which follow this kind of idea. Among them the ever popular FML, aka Fuck My Life, which tends to be more depressing than funny most of the time. Then there's also My Life is Great, which caters to more positive stories.

That's all that I have for now, enough funny for one day? I'll probably do another one of these posts to share even more of the wonders of internet entertainment. Proving that you really could spend all your life in front of the computer screen if you wanted to. Doesn't mean that you should though, now does it? ;-)


Went running in the daylight today, what an exotic experience! I automatically ran faster when I could see properly where I was going. Even with a headlamp it's still more difficult to run in the dark than in the light. I did some intervals and hill repeats at the end today. Felt good in general, a little bit of soreness in my left calf after rolling my ankle on a small rock. Did stretches and took a hot shower afterwards, hopefully this won't turn out to be a real problem.

Training Log:
15.12: 1 km swim + 40 mins ride + 5km run (29mins)
16.12: 30 mins bike + 50 mins ride + 5km run (26m20s) + intervals (4x50, 4 hill repeats)
17.12: 30 mins bike + walk?

Dec 15, 2009

Old friends are good friends

Today was a really good day. I headed in to town (aka Ekenäs) with my dad to run some errands while he had some math lessons. I took the opportunity to meet up with a friend for a chat session at a café and then a trip to the local swimming pool. That was nice, I haven't been swimming in a while since I never seemed to have time the last few weeks in Tromsø. It was also great to sit in a real Finnish sauna for the first time in ages! Finally a sauna which is truly hot and you're allowed to throw water on the rocks!

After that I headed to the store and picked up a few things. The latest issue of the Swedish edition of Runner's World magazine, some oat milk, and some Tartex vegetarian pate. Because as much as I've been enjoying being back home and eating cheese again my skin hasn't. So back to my semi-vegan diet I go. Eggs still seem to be ok, but milk products are out.

Then a quick trip to the barn for a late-night ride. I love riding at 9PM when it's only me and the barn owner who are still there. I'm currently starting Mac up again gently after the vaccination induced break. Bareback riding for about 40 mins, he was stiff and heavy on the reins but got better towards the end. We are supposed to have a riding lesson on Sunday so a lot of work needs to be done before then!

Now a few hours relaxation before I head out with my dad to cap off the day with another late run. Just 5km this time, shouldn't be too bad.

I've also come to the conclusion that the world works in strange ways. I've suddenly been getting e-mails from all of these people that I haven't heard anything from in ages. It seems like it's a good time to reconnect with old friends. I also need to schedule in as many meet-ups with friends as I can before I go back to Norway in January!

Training log:
15.12: Swimming 1km + Ride 40 mins + 5km run
16.12 30 min bike + 50 min ride + 5km run (intervals)
17.12 30 min bike + 1h ride

Dec 14, 2009

Night Owls Running

You know that you are a little bit crazy when you head out for a 10km long run at 2AM in blustery winter conditions and the thermometer showing -8C. At least my dad is equally crazy since he came along and ran with me, it really wouldn't have been nice to do alone. Took it very easy, calm pace, just trying to get readjusted to running in snow again after a slight break. All in all a very nice run, I wasn't too tired afterwards and no soreness anywhere. Seems like I also dressed appropriately, since I was a little cold when I started but perfectly comfortable at the end. Next time I schedule a long run though I will try to do it in daylight. However, it was kind of a fun feeling that we started our run before our neighbor got up, ran past for the first time when she was up and getting ready, and returned from the final loop when she had left and the house was dark and quiet again. We also heard the newspapers being delivered as we walked back up the hill after our run.

Training log:
13.12: 10km (1h)
14.12: 25 min walk
15.12: 5km run + Riding 30 min

Dec 13, 2009

Holiday Spirit

It's been a few days since my last post. I've been busy preparing the house and food for our traditional yearly Thanksgiving feast. It's a bit late this year since I've been in Norway but that actually benefited us also. All of the cleaning that we've now done is also Christmas cleaning, so now all we have to do is decorate!

Dinner was fantastic, with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, brussel sprouts, gravy, and of course pumpkin pie! The turkey was local and came from a farm where the birds were happy and fed only with the farm's own feed. Most of the ingredients to the food were either our own products or things that we've bought locally. We also broke out the first bottle of our very own apple wine in honor of the party. We used wine yeast this year and the result is lovely. Nice bubbles and a wonderful smooth flavor. Good food and great company, what more can you ask for?

Then today we headed in to town to visit the old fashioned Christmas market in Ekenäs. It was very pleasant as always and we bought a few small useful things. Among them som organic olive oil soap and a traditional bundle of oat stalks with grains (kärve in Swedish, I will take pictures). We then got back in the car and headed out of town on a small twisty road to an organic farm called "Mörby" that was having a small Christmas market of their own. Mörby produces organic meat, some vegetables, and various flours and grains. We bought a pretty wreath, some gifts, and some wheat flour for holiday baking. They were also serving a lovely soup with moose meat that we just had to try, delicious!

The weather was just about perfect, -1 C with just a light snowfall to give a holiday atmosphere. It was also an unusually bright day and we even got to see a colorful sunset as we drove home. I'm all ready for the holidays now, I found my holiday spirit!

So now a little bit of relaxing after dinner and then I'm heading out for a 10k jog in the snow! My exercising has fallen a little by the wayside lately due to all the party preparations, bad me! The winter weather is approaching with speed, snow and colder temperatures are expected to reach us tomorrow. It seems like we have a good chance for a white Christmas this year.

Exercise Log:
11.12: -
12.12: -
13.12: 10 km long run

Dec 11, 2009

Winter Running A-Z

If you live in a temperate climate it's undeniable that spring and autumn are the best times of the year for running. The temperature is just right and so is the lighting. Come spring most of us are eager to start training again, maybe motivated by getting in shape for beach season. Autumn on the other hand is the time of year when most of the marathons and other big races are run. That leaves us with summer and winter. Summer is a decent enough season for running, even if the heat can sometimes be a bit much and might demand late-evening or early-morning runs. Winter however, is something else entirely.

If you are determined to keep running through the winter you have two options. Either move your training inside to the treadmill (boring!) or stick it out and keep running outside. This can be difficult since the winter season tends to be cold, windy, dark, rainy, or snowy depending on where you live. Winter running adds all sorts of new technical challenges to running, and that's before you even take lack of motivation into account.

So what can you do to make winter running easier or even just possible? Here are some of the things I've figured out from personal experience running in Tromsø and southern Finland in the wintertime.

1. Dress appropriately
This comes down to trial and error to know exactly which clothes to pick. Don't dress too warm but not too thinly either. It all comes down to layers, lots of breathable layers with fabric that has sweat-wicking properties. That way your clothes won't absorb sweat and chill you down.

2. Be visible
Always, and I mean ALWAYS wear reflective gear when you are out running in the winter. The darkness and weather conditions decrease visibility and you want to make sure that you are noticeable to cars. It might be good to invest in a nice reflective vest even if your running shoes/tights/jacket have reflective strips on them. A headlamp is another good way to make yourself more visible as well as improve your own running experience.

3. Warmup properly
Even if you are feeling eager to run fast in the beginning, pace yourself. The risk of injury is much higher when your muscles are cold and it takes them longer to warm up when the air temperatures are lower.

4. Watch out on the snow and ice
If you live in a place where you get snow and ice in the winter this is an important factor in winter running. However, don't let this stop you from heading out for a run! You can run perfectly well on snow and even ice if you have the right gear and the proper techniques. First off good shoes, and maybe some extra winter spikes to go on them. Second, take shorter strides but still move confidently. Surprisingly enough I have found that it is easier to run without slipping on ice than it is to walk. Must be something about the speed and its effect on friction.

5. Just get out there!
And last but not least, don't get stuck laying on that sofa, but get out there and run! There's nothing quite like running to boost your mood and lift that winter depression! It might feel difficult getting started but just think how great you'll feel when you are done. It's definitely worth it.

Winter Running Gear Wishlist

Some stuff I'd love to add to my winter running arsenal. I've got shoes, jacket, gloves etc. but these are some nifty products that I'd love to test out. Found via Runners World and on my own browsing the web.

I'd like to get some kind of a traction device for my running shoes. So far my trusty Asics have served me well, but just in case the footing gets bad I'd like to have a backup. I'd really love to have a pair of STABILicers but I probably can't afford them and will opt for something simpler like the YakTrax instead.

I already have a reflex vest but it's kind of baggy and tends to flap around and get in the way. I found this awesome reflective harness that I'd love to have instead, and it isn't even all that expensive. Then I could give my dad my old vest so that he could wear it when he goes for his crazy 3AM runs.

Training planned

11.12: Biking 30 min (8k) + 5k run (interval & hill work)
12.12: Biking 30 min (8k)
13.12: 10k long run + Biking 30 min (8k)

Breakfast: Musli with soy granules, banana, oat milk, tea
Lunch: Janssons' frestelse (potato & anchovy casserole)
Snack(s): Apple, tomato
Dinner: -

Dec 10, 2009

UFOs in Norway + 7 k Run 9.12.2009

I was greeted this morning as I turned my computer on by a friend from Tromsø asking me if I was scared. I wasn't sure what he was talking about until I started checking the news from Norway. Apparently there was a strange spiral formed light phenomenon visible in the Norwegian sky yesterday morning around 8AM. Scientists aren't sure what to make of this funny light, and of course the theories range from comets, to rockets, to alien UFOs. Even if the little green men aren't coming to get us quite yet it's still a pretty spooky and interesting event. I'm not sure what to think of it myself, although now I wish I had been there to see it myself. If you want to read more about it check out the article about it over at the Huffington Post.

UPDATE: Apparently the Russian government has now admitted that the mysterious light was in fact the result of a failed rocket launch according to the Tromsø newspaper.


Running News

My 7 km run went really well. Went running around 1AM with my dad. Started by doing 5k with my dad, then ran an extra 2k loop to come up to the full 7. Ran in pretty much exactly 38 minutes, not too bad. I felt really good the whole time and feel confident that I could have gone much faster if needed. My legs felt good, no stiffness or soreness at all, and the left knee was also problem-free. Breathing was good and under control the whole time also, not breathless after the big hills or anything. Looking forward to my next run on Friday, I think I'll make an effort to do some extra hill work and intervals.

Training planned

10.12: Aerobics 30 min + Biking 30 min (8k)
11.12: Biking 30 min (8k) + 5k run (interval & hill work)

Breakfast: Musli with soy granules, banana, oat milk, tea
Lunch: Spaghetti with a sauce of fresh greens (mizuna, chard), tomatoes & mushrooms
Snack(s): Apple, dark chocolate
Dinner: Sandwich, pickled beets & blackcurrant juice

Dec 9, 2009

Mørketidsløpet, or How I train for a winter halfmarathon

I haven't used my blog in ages, mainly due to lack of time and motivation. That doesn't mean that there hasn't been lots going on. My time in Norway so far has been a blast. I've met so many great people, made a ton of new friends. I've had interesting lectures, boring lectures, and stressful exams. I've gone on a crazy road trip from hell which I could write more about but I don't think I will. There's been wild parties as well as calm social gatherings. So many good times and fond memories.

But for now I am back home on the tiny little island located in the Finnish archipelago. One month of Christmas break, fantastic! No more cramming for exams, no more scraping by on a tiny little student food budget. I get to spend time with my dad, my adorable kitty cats as well as my horse. I get to sleep as late as I like and read whatever strikes my fancy. Oh, but I won't just be lazing about on the sofa with a good book, so don't worry about that.

No, I am determined to start polishing my running form for the upcoming Polar Night Halfmarathon or Mørketidsløpet in Norwegian. This is a halfmarathon that is run in Tromsø in the dead of winter during the darkest part of the year. The race takes place on the 9th of January at 3 PM and I am now officially signed up and paid for. Exciting!

So I figured to keep my dedication high and my training organized I would try to use this blog as my training log for the time being. I am notoriously bad at keeping up with a normal journal or even a blog, but for some reason I am very good at jotting down my training notes. So I figured maybe this would be the best of both worlds.

So this is what I have done so far, running as well as any kind of exercise with further updates coming daily (I hope):

5.12: Riding 50 min + 30 min (8km) biking to and from barn
6.12: Biking 30 min (8k) + 5 k run (27m30s)
7.12: 5k run (27min)
8.12: Riding 1 h + biking 30 min (8k)
9.12: 7k run (38min) + 15 min chopping wood

I'm also keeping track of my diet for the sake of logging calorie consumption as well as vitamin and nutrient intake. I won't backtrack in time on that one since I'm bad at remembering, but here's what I've had today at least.

Breakfast: Musli with soy granules, banana, and oat milk
Lunch: Salmon with shrimp sauce, rice, and vegetables
Snack: Sandwich, apple, tomato, some dark chocolate
Dinner: Rye bread sandwich, blackcurrant juice

Links/Resources: Polar Night Half Marathon