Dec 16, 2009

Laugh with me

As we say in Swedish, "ett gott skratt förlänger livet" or, a good laugh will extend your life. I wanted to break out of the journal format for a change and share some things that are just for fun. Here are some amusing websites that I go to when I want to laugh or need some entertainment. Perfect for those slow mornings or chilly days when you just don't feel like doing much besides sitting in front of the computer with a full mug of coffee/tea/beverage of your choice. And if you have more to add to the list please feel free to post links in the comments section!

The icanhascheezburger people, aka the inventors of the LOLcat phenomenon, are always good for a laugh. Besides cats they also do LOLdogs, Failblog, Engrish, and more!

Ever try googling something and before you're done typing in what you want google starts suggesting possible searches? Sometimes this advice is helpful, and sometimes it's just plain weird. Autocomplete me shows off the most twisted of these google search results.

The famous Cake Wrecks, where we get to see when so-called "professionally" decorated cakes go horribly wrong. Sometimes they also feature good cakes with a huge wow-factor.


If you haven't heard of the webseries The Guild yet you are missing out on something extremely funny. It's basically an online TV series about the crazy adventures of a group of online RPG addicts. Makes you laugh even if you aren't a die hard WoW player.

Watch The Guild

"Tonight, at Thanksgiving dinner, my uncle passed his four year old daughter some turkey. She refused it, and grabbed a bowl of fruit. He asked her, "aren't you a carnivore?" She responded, "no! I'm a fruity-whore!" MLIA."
My Life Is Average

MLIA, or My Life Is Average is a site where people can send in funny things that happen to them in every-day life. Some stories are funny, and some downright hilarious. There are also more sites which follow this kind of idea. Among them the ever popular FML, aka Fuck My Life, which tends to be more depressing than funny most of the time. Then there's also My Life is Great, which caters to more positive stories.

That's all that I have for now, enough funny for one day? I'll probably do another one of these posts to share even more of the wonders of internet entertainment. Proving that you really could spend all your life in front of the computer screen if you wanted to. Doesn't mean that you should though, now does it? ;-)


Went running in the daylight today, what an exotic experience! I automatically ran faster when I could see properly where I was going. Even with a headlamp it's still more difficult to run in the dark than in the light. I did some intervals and hill repeats at the end today. Felt good in general, a little bit of soreness in my left calf after rolling my ankle on a small rock. Did stretches and took a hot shower afterwards, hopefully this won't turn out to be a real problem.

Training Log:
15.12: 1 km swim + 40 mins ride + 5km run (29mins)
16.12: 30 mins bike + 50 mins ride + 5km run (26m20s) + intervals (4x50, 4 hill repeats)
17.12: 30 mins bike + walk?

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